Kawaguchi 可水洗防水雙面布用膠帶
Kawaguchi 可水洗防水雙面布用膠帶
픽업 사용 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
可黏合物:布、皮革、合成皮革、紙、金屬、聚氨酯板、木材、橡膠、玻璃、塑膠, 聚苯乙烯泡沫塑膠
貼上後請至少等待 24 小時後再清洗。
• 價格以一卷(20m)為單位
• 數量1 = 1卷20m,數量2 = 2卷20m.....【注意】
* 如訂購的商品有現貨,將在 1-7 個工作日內發貨。
* 由於我們與實際商店共享產品庫存,因此您訂購的產品可能會缺貨。
* 由於不同電子屏幕會有色差,實物顏色可能會有所不同。Adherable materials: cloth, leather, synthetic leather, paper, metal, polyurethane board, wood, rubber, glass, plastic, polystyrene foam
It can eliminate the need for sewing or facilitate fixing the fabric during sewing.
Since it can be washed, in addition to bags, it can also be used to make skirts, clothing, curtains, etc. It is flexible and adheres well to curved surfaces.
Please wait at least 24 hours after application before washing.
• The price is 1pcs x 20m/unit
• Qty 1 = 1pcs x 20m, Qty 2 = 2pcs x 20m...【Notice】
* Items ordered will ship within 1-7 business days if in stock.
* Since we share product inventory with the actual store, the product you ordered may be out of stock.
* Due to the color difference of different electronic screens, the actual color may vary.