Clover cutting mat 切割墊 𠝹板 - A3 45x32cm
Clover cutting mat 切割墊 𠝹板 - A3 45x32cm
方便切割 A3 尺寸,它具有靈活的尺寸,可讓您快速取出並用它來切割布料和圖案以製作小物品。
影片介紹 : youtube
尺寸 : 45 x 32cm, 厚度:2mm
材質 : 由硬質烯烴(再生材料)和軟質烯烴夾心而成的烯烴樹脂三層結構。它很輕,不易彎曲。 使用50%以上的再生烯烴,是一種環保烯烴樹脂。即使焚燒,也不會產生有害的氯化氫氣體。
● 每方格為1mm,格中有5mm輔助刻度和角度線。
・如果髒了,請用濕布擦拭。 避免使用稀釋劑、苯和酒精等溶劑,否則可能會導致變色和變形。
• 價格以一件為單位
• 數量1 = 1件,數量2 = 2件.....
* 如訂購的商品有現貨,將在 1-7 個工作日內發貨。
* 由於我們與實際商店共享產品庫存,因此您訂購的產品可能會缺貨。
* 由於不同電子屏幕會有色差,實物顏色可能會有所不同。
Conveniently cut to A3 size, it has a flexible size that allows you to quickly take it out and use it to cut fabrics and patterns to make small items.
Dimensions: 45 x 32cm, Thickness: 2mm
●The 1cm square has 5mm unit auxiliary scale and angle lines.
●Leather crafts, paper crafts, etc.
●Table mat
A three-layer structure of olefin resin made by sandwiching hard olefin (recycled material) with soft olefin. It's light and doesn't bend easily. More than 50% recycled olefin, an environmentally friendly olefin resin, is used. Even when incinerated, harmful hydrogen chloride gas is not generated.
• The price is 1pcs/unit
• Qty 1 = 1pcs, Qty 2 = 2pcs...
* Items ordered will ship within 1-7 business days if in stock.
* Since we share product inventory with the actual store, the product you ordered may be out of stock.
* Due to the color difference of different electronic screens, the actual color may vary.