Fujix | Pice #20 jeans stitch sewing thread 牛仔布厚布車縫線 150m - 16 colors
Fujix | Pice #20 jeans stitch sewing thread 牛仔布厚布車縫線 150m - 16 colors
픽업 사용 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
對於牛仔褲縫紉,線必須足夠結實以抵抗織物的厚度。它還需要具有適當的柔韌性和柔軟度以配合織物。雖然 JEANS STITCH 是專門為牛仔褲開發的,但它也可以用於其他厚織物。其出色的耐用性可保持縫紉的使用壽命。
長度 : 150m
粗幼 : #20
材質 : 100% 聚酯纖維
• 價格以一件為單位
• 數量1 = 1件,數量2 = 2件.....
* 如訂購的商品有現貨,將在 1-7 個工作日內發貨。
* 由於我們與實際商店共享產品庫存,因此您訂購的產品可能會缺貨。
* 由於不同電子屏幕會有色差,實物顏色可能會有所不同。
For thick fabric, exceptionally unbreakable
For jeans sewing, a thread must be strong enough against the thickness of fabric. It also needs to have appropriate flexibility and softness to fit the fabric. Although JEANS STITCH has been developed especially for jeans, it can be used for other thick fabric which requires the strength. Its excellent durability keeps the life of the sewing.
length: 150m
thickness : #20
material : 100% polyester
• The price is 1pcs/unit
• Qty 1 = 1pcs, Qty 2 = 2pcs...
* Items ordered will ship within 1-7 business days if in stock.
* Since we share product inventory with the actual store, the product you ordered may be out of stock.
* Due to the color difference of different electronic screens, the actual color may vary.